Fall Into Authentic Inclusion

Autumn Neuro-Affirming Learning Series

Parents, schools, and childcare services must know the inclusion research as we return to another school year. This is what autistic and neurodiverse children can face in mainstream schooling: many report low levels of peer social support, high levels of bullying, rejection by their peers, participation less in class, feeling more disconnected from their school community and are more likely to be excluded from school than their non-autistic classmates.

It is time for us to do better for children and families. Each of these points has long-lasting impacts on mental health and lifelong outcomes. Inclusion is complex, but we can figure it out with the promise to do better.

Want to join the shift and become a genuinely neuro-affirming leader in your daycare, school, or workspace? Of course you do!

You can attend all four classes or any combination you like. PL certificates are available for those who attend live. Contact us about our excellent group rate.